Saturday, January 14, 2012

Being Single

I am trying to come up with a story for a girl who works in a Coffee shop. She goes to school to learn something.. maybe architecture. And she supports herself by working at the coffe shop. Now the truth is I dont know anything about coffee, so I have to focus on the girl for now.
I know a few things about her.
She is very independent. And under duress she is a capable leader and accomplished in the tasks she chooses to undertake.
But she is always unsure of herself. So she tends to be a bit scared, and nervous. Due to her perception of herself she is always in genuine awe for people around her.
Even so , She absolutely dislikes the rich and spoilt individuals of her contemporaries, who often visit her coffee shop.
The last image is.. I don't know.. who she is.. maybe its the coffe girl in the futre after she s grown up.. or maybe its a role model for her who visits her coffe shop... or just some incidental character... No Idea at the moment.